TEAroma ~ THÉaroma offers tea lovers, quality, fresh and delicious loose tea's that steep into a breathtaking cup of tea. We are continually expanding our line of tea's and accessories. We welcome suggestions if you do not see your favourite flavour.
~Nicky and Mark

Monday, 9 December 2013

Lending A Helping Hand For Victims of Typhoon Haiyan

December 8th at Ottawa City Hall, Habitat for Humanity and a group of dedicated volunteers with the help of the Ottawa community put on an afternoon show, of dancing, music, entertainment, dignitaries and local vendors to help raise much needed money for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. TEAroma was in attendance to help raise money, and raise money everyone did! I am happy to say that over $10,000 was raised and with Federal Government of Canada money matching, this brings the total to over $20,000 for the victims of the typhoon.

Thank you everyone for coming out to donate and lend a hand

The city of Ottawa, and the local Filipino community answered the call. There were hundreds of visitors who took time out on Sunday to drop by and donate and take part in the afternoon's events. Mayor Jim Watson was on hand as was the Ambassador of the Philippines, Leslie B. Gatan. A token of appreciation was presented to the Honorable Jason Kenney from the Filipino community in appreciation of all that Canada and Canadians have done during this crisis.

For a great selection of pictures from the afternoon, take a look at this facebook album.
If you are interested in learning more about the Philippines or wanting to know how the city has been responding to this crisis, try looking to the Philippine Embassy Facebook page.

If you wish to help the victims and want to donate, Habitat for Humanity can help. The Canadian Government will match you dollar for dollar until December 23rd.

The following are a few quick pictures we managed to snap, but if you goto the above links you can find many other pictures as well as a link to the ctv news segment.

TEAroma table Typhoon Haiyan
TEAroma table
List of those who helped

Still setting up for the afternoon

Starting the afternoon off 

Christmas display next to our table

The crowd was starting to grow

Nicky lending a hand on stage to draw the grand prize raffle winner

Nicky helping draw the raffle winning number

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, TEAroma ~ THÉaroma
~Nicky and Mark