Upcoming Events
We are so excited whenever we get the opportunity to share with everyone our delicious tasting loose tea's.We just know that once you give them a try you will be hooked and fall in love with the amazing aroma and tantalizing tastes. The following is a list of our upcoming trade shows, vendor events and planned outings. Come drop by and say hi and give our quality loose tea's a taste.
Nicky and Mark~
Nov 9th- One Stop Christmas Shop in Aylmer, Quebec. 78 Rue Principal, Gatineau, Quebec.
Nov 16- Christmas in November Craft Sale - Walter Baker Sports Center, Ottawa, Ontario
Nov 21- CEDEC SBSN 2013 Awards Gala in Montreal, hosted by Dianne Buckner of the Dragon's Den.
Nov 23- Mac Fair 2013 Immaculata High School, Ottawa Ontario
Nov 24- The Arts and Crafts Savoie Faire - Christmas Edition, Aydelu Centre, 94 Rue du Patrimoine, Aylmer Quebec.