TEAroma ~ THÉaroma offers tea lovers, quality, fresh and delicious loose tea's that steep into a breathtaking cup of tea. We are continually expanding our line of tea's and accessories. We welcome suggestions if you do not see your favourite flavour.
~Nicky and Mark

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Wellness Tea

Wellness Teas are specially blended to give a boost to your system for everything from nausea, anxiety, fatigue, and detox. Wellness and Herbal teas are designed with health benefits in mind.

If you are looking to cleanse, detox and get back on track, or desiring a quiet moment of relaxation, peace and tranquility, or perhaps you are looking for a boost to your energy, a cup of wellness tea will be a step in the right direction. Wellness teas are a healthy and delicious way to put some spring back in your step.

Wellness Tea Steeping Suggestions:
Water Temp. : Can vary
Hot Tea  1/2 to 1tsp of tea per 8oz water
Iced Tea: 2tsp of tea per 8oz water
Steeping time: 3-7 minutes (varies by blend)
*if stronger flavour is desired, add more tea not more time. Wellness Tea will taste bitter if it is infused for a longer than suggested time.
*Drink straight (Generally Milk and Sugar are not added)

Wellness Teas Offered By:  TEAroma-THÉaroma